
Translating and Interpreting against Social Exclusion

The Translation Services at the European Comission organized in 2010, together with CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado), a conference on the topic of “Translating and Interpreting against social exclusion”.

The proceedings are available here (in Spanish only), edited by Luis González and Carmen de las Heras.

The status of the translation profession in the European Union

“This report is a study of the mechanisms by which the status of translators is signalled in the European Union in 2011-12, with comparisons with the United States, Canada and Australia. The report is based on previous surveys and input from some 100 experts and informants. It offers sociological and economic modelling of the way signalling mechanisms affect markets in this field, with specific reference to academic qualifications, professional certifications, membership of associations and years of experience. The report proposes criteria for actions that might be taken to enhance the signalling of status”.

Among its findings, the report specifically mentions “a general lack of efficient signalling (training, qualifications or certification) with regard to translation services in “immigrant” languages”.

Read the complete report